Entertainment & Sport Actions - Activities for international youth

ESA Group grows as the community growsl!

ESA Group or Entertainment & Sports Action – has a unique opportunity to link young people from around the world using informal training to improve their competences and give them opportunities for education, employment and community involvement. 

What sets us apart from other organizations is we have an active international network with young people and associations who help facilitate compatible activities, that make a real impact and effectuate immediate change in society.

Humans and youth in particular are all looking for an identity and  opportunity.  We accomplish this via,  Sport and entertainment the main attraction of youth and activities we participate in as adults. The biggest builders of brotherhood, acceptance and familiarity. We hope to initiate your interest in civil society and community activities. 

Education and Employment in our community is KEY!

Why cooperate with us?

We love what we do!

Internationally Active

We have strong partnerships around the world with emphasis in Scandinavia and Baltic Region.

Experts in our fields

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Complex Sollutions

Dolora lorem ipsum dolor posuere lorem glavrida isu null.

Flexible Prices

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The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing!

Find your purpose! Join a Call-2-Action NOW!

What clients say



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Limited Time Offer!

Hurry up! Contact us today and get 100% free first online consultation!


Troy Clark

DIrector of Operations

“Our goals are immense.We are establishing a growing vibrant Urban network with digital, and grass-root ties across Scandinavia, the Baltic region, Africa, Asia, and the United States. Young people active in Civil pride and growth.”

tel. + (312) 330-1365


Meet our current board members

You don’t build a business, you build people, then people build the business.

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How we work

Don’t be busy – be productive!


Active Network

ESA Group is essentially a media corporation which has over two dozen partners from around the world working within the fields of Entertainment and Sports.


Planned Annual Activities

The Calendar is our barometer. Whatever we can imagine, we can accomplish with planned tasks and competent workflow, anything is possible. "Alt Kan Ske".


Final Strategy

The working board within each of the partner associations are tasked with advancing their areas of expertise in order to advance our interest and Project goals!



Once the PROJECTS are planned and arranged, it becomes time to implement those activities with 'motivated youth' and 'active partnership' assisting in the implementation of the activities, providing transparency and effective governing of funds.


Compliancy Control

In all aspects of the association, we are setting the markers for achievement and the working structure's evaluation. Every project and initiative has a com-pliancy issue and we attack these areas in advance to guarantee compliance and or steps to comply.



We are a result oriented nonprofit organization with a history of results. Nordic GPS, our digital partnership with Google has over 41.000.000 million views and counting. We have Street Games, highlighted under the Danish National Archive from 1997. https://arkiv.dk/vis/138551

Our agency in numbers

Contractual programs 2020
0 +
Years in business
0 +
Industry awards (since 1995)
0 +

Contact Info

Chicago, USA

Chicago, USA 7421 S. Emerald Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60621

Copenhagen, DENMARK

Gildbrovej 3, 4-1, 2635 Ishoej Denmark

7421 S. Emerald Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60621 USA

We are always ready to network

Chicago (main office) 1 (312) 330-1365

(office) (312) 330-1365 (main)
(m) +45.4098 7554 (Danish)
(m) +370.602 33626 (Lithuania)


For clients & partners