Vinterferie Aktiviteter – Ishøj Ungdom

Kunne du tænke dig at være med til vores vinterferie aktiviteter såsom, bordfodbold, bordtennis, madlavning, fodbold og basket mandag d.20 februar. Så skal du huske og tilmelde dig. Husk udendørs fodboldsko og praktisk tøj, hvis du skal spille fodbold. Og kondisko samt praktisk tøj, hvis du kan spille basket. Bemærk det er helt gratis at deltage. Alder: 10 år til 20 år.

Bob Marley 78th Birthday Celebration – Saturday 4th February 2023 – Loppen, Christiania

BOB MARLEY OM 78thBirthday Celebration 2023 ‘Coming in from the cold’Featuring headliner Mad Professor (UK) – Norris Man from Jamaica – Sparky Rugged + local reggae artists – works shops / Seminars + more. Sky Juice Promotions continues to honour The King by celebrating his birthday through the power of music with a celebration called…

Rare Historical Photos

These Unexplored Historical Photos Are RemarkableWe’ve come a long way in the last couple of centuries and our lives have improved significantly. But the path to get to where we are now was not always easy. It was a constant battle for survival, while trying to improve our living conditions – wars, famine, diseases, but…